About Us
The Winchendon Pre-K Program is a developmental learning experience for three and four year old children that integrates "typical" and "atypical" children. We provide a family like atmosphere that reaches out to the greater community. The children we educate are the center of our focus and each child is treated as an individual with very unique characteristics and learning styles.
The Winchendon Pre-K Program conducts an optional screening each spring for any children who would be eligible to attend our Program in the fall. The Screening process looks at a child's development in areas such as, gross motor, fine motor, speech & language, and cognition to determine if your child may need to have a formal assessment in any of these areas.
To be eligible to attend the Winchendon Pre-K Program, a child must live in Winchendon and be either three or four years old by August 31st of the current school year.
We currently have classes from 9:00 am to 11:15 am for our three-year-old students that meet either two or four mornings a week and classes from 12:15 pm to 2:30 pm for our four-year-old students that meet 4 afternoons a week.